Precision Polymers for Pharmaceutics

Independent Research Group

Joint research group with the University of Tübingen

Welcome to our research group!

Field of Research

Our group "Precision Polymers for Pharmaceutics" is located at the interface of polymer chemistry and nanomedicine. We are focusing on the design of innovative drug delivery systems using sustainable and innovative materials. These systems are based on intelligent, bio-based or biodegradable polymers that are synthesized using sophisticated polymerization techniques. These techniques include radical systems and metal-organic based catalysts. We develop tailor-made and advanced catalysts and monomers to meet the special needs for each specific drug delivery application.

Our research topics include:

  • Living-type polymerizations
  • Block copolymerizations
  • Catalyst and Initiator design
  • Post-polymerization functionalization
  • Polymer analysis
  • Drug and nucleic acid encapsulation
  • Formulation development
  • In vitro evaluation of nanoparticles

We are a Joint Research Group with the Schnichels Lab at the Eye Hospital Tübingen/University of Tübingen.

More about our Research

Excellence Strategy

Our group is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.

Junior Research Groups at University of Tübingen funded by the Excellence Strategy

Open positions

PhD Student

Our group is seeking a talented and motivated employee who works in the field of chemistry and life science on polymer-based drug delivery systems.

Bachelor and Master students

We are always looking for motivated new team members who are interested in science and our research topics. If you are interested in performing a Bachelor or Master thesis or an intership in the fields of polymerization catalysis, material science, nanomedicine or related research are welcome to get in touch with us


Current Open Positions



Dr. Friederike Adams

Pfaffenwaldring 55, D-70569 Stuttgart

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