Open Positions

PostDocs, Doctoral Researchers, Master/Bachelor Thesis, Research Internships in the Naumann Group

Open Positions (Naumann Group)

Master, Bachelor, Internships

Currently 1-2 positions for Master/Bachelor/Research Internships are available for the winterterm 2023/2024. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Naumann (now at University of Freiburg, stefan.naumann at

Current research topics:

  • stereoselective, metal-free polymerization catalysis (--> catalyst design, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry)
  • (multi)borane catalysis (--> organic chemistry, polymer chemistry)
  • ordered mesoporous carbon materials for the electrocatalytic CO2-reduction (--> polymer chemistry, material chemistry, physical chemistry)
  • porous carbon membranes for diffusion studies (--> polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, physical chemistry)



The follwoing positions are currently available, please contact Dr. Naumann (now at University of Freiburg, stefan.naumann at if you are interested:

  • PhD position starting in 2024. Connected to a DFG project. Topic: Development of novel polymerization catalysts, in particular chiral boranes for the metal-free preparation of isotactic polyethers.


There are currently no open PostDoc-Positions. If you are planning to apply for a self-funded PostDoc, please contact Dr. Naumann (now at University of Freiburg, stefan.naumann at

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